The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Having a great life! Been married, divorced, and then met the best man on the planet, together 11 years, married for 4. I love my career working with animals: I have worked at the Phila Zoo, a small animal and exotic veterinary hospital, went back to school and became a certified veterinary nurse. I still work part time at the veterinary hospital, but now am full time in medical research where my job is to provide veterinary care to the research animals. I am also involved in 2 emergency veterinary response teams, one federal, one on the state level. My husband and I love to travel and go camping. We have been to England, Spain, Poland, Aruba, Puerto Rico, and haven't forgotten the wonders in our own country in California, Grand Canyon, Sedona, Vegas, Florida, and the Outer Banks. I am proud to be a Penn State Ag alumnus. I was lucky to stay in the newer East Halls when I was there, except when you had to cross the "tundra" of the East parking lot in the winter or dig your car out of 5 feet of snow out in parking lot 80. My brother (Meteorology '82) and I still try to get back once a year to see a game and camp at Black Moshannon. Go Lions!